We have picked up the most important question for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can give a mock test on One Word Substitution Mock Test . There are more chapters on this topics. We also prepare more Mock test in different topics or syllabus.
We have picked up the most important MCQ Quiz for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can practice.
One Word Substitution Mock Test 2
#1. One who runs away from justice………
#2. An uxorious man is one…….
#3. One who can use either hand with the same ease –
#4. A child who has lost both of his parents is called –
#5. A person who helps another to commit a crime is called –
#6. An author who writes the story of another person’s life is known as –
#7. The one who knows everything –
#8. A decision On which one cannot go back –
#9. Alternative one-word for “an afternoon nap…..
#10. One who doubts the existence of God
#11. One who eats human flesh –
#12. An unconventional lifestyle is called –
#13. One who hates the mankind is called –
#14. One who eats everything –
#15. Herbivore is a kind of animal that –
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