We have picked up the most important question for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can give a mock test on Assam Polity Mock Test 1 For APSC, Adre 2.0, Assam Police. There are more chapters on this topics. We also prepare more Mock test in different topics or syllabus.
We have picked up the most important MCQ Quiz for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can practice.
Assam Polity Quiz Part 3:Mock Test on the Polity of Assam
#1. Panchayat elections are…..elections?
#2. If a quorum is not present, the presiding authority shall wait for……..minutes to adjourn the sabha.
#3. In the absence of the President and the Vice-President who will preside over the Gaon Sabha?
#4. Which Panchayat Raj tier works in block level?
#5. Which of the following is not a tier of Panchayat Raj System?
#6. When was the first election of panchayat held in Assam?
#7. When was the Assam Rural Panchayat Act 1994 received the assent of the Governor?
#8. How many times the Assam Panchayat Act Amended?
#9. Assam Rural Panchayat Act, 1948 was replaced by…..?
#10. When was the Assam Rural Panchayat Act amended for first time?
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Assam Polity Quiz Part 1:Mock Test on the Polity of Assam
Assam Polity Quiz Part 2:Mock Test on the Polity of Assam