We have picked up the most important question for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can give a mock test on Assam Geography Mock Test 3 |30 MCQs. There are more chapters on this topics. We also prepare more Mock test in different topics or syllabus.
We have picked up the most important MCQ Quiz for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can practice.
Assam Geography Mock Test 3 |30 MCQs
#1. The total number of administrative districts in Assam is:
#2. Assam falls in which climate region:
#3. Which National Park is the largest in Assam?
#4. Which of the following district of Assam has the highest sex ratio?
#5. Which river flows through the northern part of the Kaziranga National Park?
#6. In which year the Project Tiger in Manas National Park was started?
#7. Pink Granite has been discovered in which hill of Goalpara district?
#8. How many oil refineries are there in Assam?
#9. Which department is engaged in minerals exploration in the state of Assam?
#10. Physiography of Assam can be divided into how many types:
#11. In which year oil was first drilled in Assam?
#12. The Chandubi lake was formed in which year due to earthquake:
#13. Which relief feature protects Assam from cold polar winds in Winter?
#14. What is the other name of Bordoichila or Pre-Monsoon?
#15. Which part of the Assam receives very little rainfall?
#16. Which river seperates Karbi Plateau with Naga Hills?
#17. Which is the largest south bank tributary of Brahmaputra?
#18. The river Brahmaputra forms which drainage pattern during winter:
#19. What is the total area of Barak Valley?
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