Assam History Mock Test 2 | 30 MCQs

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Assam History Mock Test 2 | 30 MCQs


#1. When Srimanta Sankardeva fled the Ahom kingdom he was given shelter by?

#2. Which one of the following Public Sector Unit was born out of the Assam Accord?

#3. Which of the following Ahom King introduced the Buranji written in Assam?

#4. Sukaphaa is said to have marched through which pass of Patkai ranges of hills:

#5. Who was the only representative from Assam as well as the Northeast in the Drafting Committee of the Indian Constitution?

#6. During which dynasty Madan Kamdev temple was built:

#7. By what popular name is Shyed Shah Milan known in Assam:

#8. Who wrote Prahlada Charitra?

#9. The third Assamese film Monomoti was released in the year:

#10. The first Assamese daily newspaper Batori was published from:

#11. Which one of the following is the first Government college in Assam?

#12. The first Assamese Sonet book Malach was written by:

#13. In which year communist party was formed at Golaghat?

#14. From which year All India Radio (AIR) started its operation in Assam?

#15. AGP came to the power in Assam for the first time in:

#16. In 1980 the first lady chief minister of Assam Syeda Anwara Taimur formed the ministry only for:

#17. Why was Sudangpha called as Bamuni Raja?

#18. Which Ahom king made the capital at Charguya near the Dihing river?

#19. Mahendra Nath Hazarika is associated with:

#20. Who was the chief of the Swaraj Party in Assam?

#21. Along with the AASU, which other organisation of Assam signed the Assam Accord?

#22. Who was the Prime Minister of India during the signing of the Assam Accord?

#23. Which one of the following Public Sector Unit was born out of the Assam Accord?

#24. Who represented the Mughal side in the treaty of Ghilajharighat?

#25. The Subansiri was fixed as the boundary between the Ahom and Koch Kingdom by:

#26. Which of the following historical sites contains examples of Gupta Architecture?

#27. The Ahom Maidams are shaped like:

#28. Which of the following sites has Hindu, Buddhist and Jain relics together?

#29. What is the name of the first Assamese women megazine?

#30. The first and only Sanskrit College in Assam situated at:


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