We have picked up the most important question for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can give a mock test on Assam History Quiz: Mock Test on the History of Assam. There are more chapters on this topics. We also prepare more Mock test in different topics or syllabus.
We have picked up the most important MCQ Quiz for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can practice.
Assam History Quiz Part 10 : Mock Test on the History of Assam
#1. Rani Gaidula, a famous character of Indian Movement belonged to which tribe?
#2. Mula Gabharu died fighting against….?
#3. Darrang Desh governed by……?
#4. ‘Dasya-bhab’ adopted by……?
#5. According to Ahom legends khun lung and khun-lai were the grandson of…..?
#6. The koch coins were known as….?
#7. The ancient name of Cachar was….?
#8. The Sinagiri Ghar celebration was first held by…..?
#9. Who wrote ‘Tungkhungia Buranji’?
#10. When did Ahoms entered in the Brahmaputra Valley?
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Assam History Quiz Part 1: Mock Test on the History of Assam
Assam History Quiz Part 2: Mock Test on the History of Assam
Assam History Quiz Part 3 : Mock Test on the History of Assam