General Science One Liner Questions: We have picked up the most important question for you to practice and prepare for govt exam. Here, you can get General Science One Liner Questions . There are more chapters on this topics. We also prepare more One Liner Questions and answers in different topics or syllabus.

General Science One Liner Questions
1) Velocity of light is maximum in
Answer: Vacuum
2) The focal length of a plane mirror is
Answer: Infinity
3) The reflector of a search light is a
Answer: Concave mirror
4) The image formed by a plane mirror is ….
Answer: Real
5) The image formed by a convex mirror is :
Answer: erect and diminished
6) The weight of an object on the moon is equal to ………… of
its weight on the earth –
Answer: 1/6th
7) Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ……. .
Answer: Surface tension
8) When the velocity of a body is doubled
Answer: its momentum is doubled
9) The energy processed by a body due to its change in
position or shape is called
Answer: potential energy
10) What is the point on the liver which does not move called?
Answer: Fulcrum
11) Soaps clean surfaces on the principle based on
Answer: Surface tension
12) On which principles does the hydraulic lift works ?
Answer: Pascal’s law
13) Who among the following scientist discovered the
law of Floatation ?
Answer: Archimedes
14) Density is the ratio of :
Answer: Volume/Mass
15) The working principle of a Washing Machine is :
Answer: Centrifugation
16) The normal temperature of human body is
Answer: 37 Degree Celsius
17) What is the process of conversion of solid state
directly to gaseous state called ?
Answer: Sublimation
18) Who among the following gave first the
experimental value of G ?
Answer: Cavendish
19) Kilowatt is a unit to measure –
Answer: Power
20) A barometer is used to measure which one of the
following ?
Answer: atmospheric pressure
21) The temperature at which both the Fahrenheit and
Centigrade scales have the same value is
Answer: -40 degrees
22) The SI unit of temperature is
Answer: Kelvin
23) Who invented the Centigrade scale ?
Answer: Anders Celsius
24) Who among the following scientist invented the mercury
thermometer ?
Answer: D.G. Fahrenheit
25) The normal temperature of human body is
Ans: 37 Degree Celsius
26) What is the S.I. unit of pressure :
Answer: Pascal
27) One light year is approximately equal to :
Answer: 10 to the power 16 m.
28) Light year is a unit of
Answer: Distance
29) Ampere is the unit of :
Answer: current electricity
30) Definition of force comes from Newton’s –
Answer: first law of motion
31) Golden view of sea Shell is due to –
Answer: Polarization
32) Dr. C.V. Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work
connected with which of following phenomenon of
radiation ?
Answer: Scattering
33) Which famous scientist was the first to look at the night
sky through a telescope ?
Answer: Galileo
34) The head mirror used by E.N.T. doctors is –
Answer: Concave
35) A water tank appears shallower when it is viewed from
top due to –
Answer: Refraction
36) Dioptre is the unit of –
Answer: power of a lens
37) Who discover the color photography –
Answer: James Clerk Maxwel
38) How many image can a man see if he stands
between two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of
60 degrees ?
Answer: 5
39) Camberts, law is related to
Answer: illumination
40) Electron microscope was invented by
Answer: Knoll and Ruska
41)Transformer is a device to convert –
Answer: Low voltage A.C. into high voltage A.C.
42) Unit of Electrical power is –
Answer: Watt
43) Instrument used to store the electric charge is
known as –
Answer: Capacitor
44) Conversion of chemical energy into electrical
energy occur in
Answer: Battery
45) Permanent magnet can be made from –
Answer: Cobalt
46) ‘mho’ is the unit of
Answer: Conductivity
47) In wind power, which form of energy is converted into
electrical energy ?
Answer: Kinetic
48) Electric Motor converts ……… energy to mechanical
Answer: Electrical
48) Electric current is measured using which of the following
instrument ?
Answer: Ammeter
49) Who invented the electric tram ?
Answer: Fyodor Pirotsky
50) What constitutes current in a metal wire ?
Answer: electrons
51) Einstein was honored with Nobel Prize for
Answer: Photoelectric Effect
52) The least penetrating power ray is
Answer: œ – Ray
53) Who discovered proton ?
Answer: Ernest Rutherford
54) Photovoltaic cells are
Answer: Solar cells
55) The fuel used in nuclear power plant is
Answer: U – 235
56) Radioactivity is measured by –
Answer: GM counter
57) Which is the second most abundant element in the
universe ?
Answer: Helium
58) Potassium is a chemical element with the symbol –
Answer: K
59) What is the symbol element of Lead ?
Answer: Pb
59) Salt is obtained from Seawater by which process ?
Answer: Evaporation
60) The most abundant elements is
Answer: Nitrogen
61) Oxygen and ozone are –
Answer: allotropes
62) Neutron was discovered by –
Answer: Chadwick
63) Who discovered electron ?
Answer: J.J. Thomson
64) How many types of isotopes does scandium have ?
Answer: 13
65) Atoms are composed of –
Answer: Electrons and nuclei
66) The three basic components of an atom are –
Answer: Protons, neutrons and electrons
67) The word ‘insolation’ means –
Answer: Incoming solar radiation
68) The heaviest naturally occurring elements is –
Answer: Uranium
69) Cobalt – 60 is commonly used in radiation therapy
because it emits –
Answer: Gamma rays
70) The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered in
1898 A.D. by –
Answer: Henri Becquerel
71) What was the fissionable material used in the bombs
dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945 ?
Answer: Plutonium
72) Heavy water is used as a coolant in nuclear reactors.
Heavy water is
Answer: Water containing heavy isotope of hydrogen
73) Nuclear fission is caused by the impact of –
Answer: Neutrons
74) What is neutron ?
Answer: Particle released during radioactivity
75) S.I. unit of radioactivity is
Answer: Becquerel
76) Which one of the following is used in the treatment of
blood cancer ?
Answer: Phosphorus – 32
77) Movement of outer electrons in the inner orbits of an
atom produces
Answer: X – ray
78) What is the name of the acid in grapes ?
Answer: Tartaric acid
79) Sulphuric acid is –
Answer: Dibasic
80)The gas evolved when sodium carbonate reacts with
hydrochloric acid is –
Answer: Carbon dioxide
81) The element common to all acids is –
Answer: Hydrogen
82) At what pH value tooth starts to decay ?
Answer: 5.5
83) The pH value of water is –
Answer: 7
84) The pH of lemon juice is expected to be –
Answer: less than 7
85) The purest form of water in nature is
Answer: Rain water
86) A solution of washing soda in water is –
Answer: Alkaline
87) If we add salt to pure water, its boiling point will
Answer: Increase
88) A solution is a –
Answer: A homogeneous mixture of two or more
89) When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is
called –
Answer: Condensation
90) Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of –
Answer: Zinc
91) What is the process of rust forming on iron called ?
Answer: Rusting
92) The most extensive use of molasses after
fragmentation is for producing
Answer: Ethanol
93) Plaster of paris is made from –
Answer: Gypsum
94) Which metal is earlier called Wolfram ?
Answer: Tungsten
95) The metal used for making air crafts and rockets is
Answer: Aluminium
96) What are the main components of Bronze Alloy ?
Answer: Copper and Tin
97) The chemical name of ‘Hypo’ commonly used in
photography is
Answer: Sodium thiosulphate
98) Diamond is an allotropic form of –
Answer : Carbon
99) Chlorophyll and Hemoglobin respectively contain
Answer: Mg and Fe
100) Which is the most reactive metal ?
Answer: Potassium
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