GK One Liners Notes Part 3 For RRB NTPC Exam|200 Questions- We provide RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) NTPC Exam 2024 Free questions and answers with detailed solutions.

GK One Liners Notes Part 3 For RRB NTPC Exam|200 Questions
401. First Women President of Indian National Congress – Annie Besant
402. Ajanta Caves – Maharashtra
403. Formic acid found in – Ants
404. Telangana state has been formed during 15th lok sabha
405. Forest Conservation Act –1980
406. The transition of a substance directly from the solid to the gas phase without passing
through the intermediate liquid phase – Sublimation
407. Grapes expand when you soak it in water‐ It is due to Osmosis
408. ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization
409. Maharashtra’s tiger ambassador – Amitabh Bachchan
410. BCCI Cricketer of the year 2015 – Virat Kohli
411. Study of humans – Anthropology
412. Maha bodhi temple is located at‐ Bodh Gaya
413. M.A chidambaram trophy best woman cricketer 2015‐ Mithali Raj
414. Red Fort built by‐ Shah Jahan
415. saurology is the study of‐Lizards
416. What is the largest cell in our human body? Ovum
417. Kudankulam nuclear power plant is located at – Tamil Nadu
418. DVD stands for‐ Digital Video/Versatile Disc
419. Who will declare financial emergency? The President
420. Iron Man of India – Sardar Vallabhai Patel
421. Study of map is called‐ Cartography
422. Volley ball team has‐ Six players
423. Indira Gandhi tulip garden – J&K
424. Hindi Day – January 10
425. Unit of Pressure – Pascal
426. First Computer Programmer‐ Ada Lovelace
427. Study of Spider‐ Arachnology
428. 2016 olympics – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
429. Capital of Arunachal Pradesh – Itanagar
430. Kanha National Park – MP
431. Indira Gandhi Botanical Garden located‐ Raebareli, UP
432. Who is the captain of women hockey team?‐ Ritu Rani
433. Amalgam is a mixture of metal with which substance?‐ Mercury
434. which of the following is not an inert gas..Ne,he,XE,H? – Hydrogen
435. AIDS Day – December 1
436. US Open Women Doubles winner – Sania Mirza and Martina Hingis
437. First transistor invented in – 1947
438. Laughing Gas – Nitrous oxide.
439. Normal blood pressure of human body‐ 80/120.
440. Mansarovar lake situated at‐ Tibet.
441. Rural Development Institute is situated at?‐ Hyderabad.
442. The statement ” Every citizen of our country is corrupted” given by?‐ Lord Cornwallis
443. Popular dance of Tamilnadu‐ Bharatanatyam
444. World population day?‐ July 11th.
445. Composer of Raghuvamsa‐ Kalidasa
446. Currency of Myanmar‐ Burmese kyat
447. Sardar Sarovar pariyojana belongs to which state?‐ Gujarat.
448. World Health Day – April 7
449. Lingraj Temple situated at‐ Bhubaneswar.
450. Golf invented in which country – Scotland
451. Hridaynath mangeshkar award 2015 – A.R.Rahman
452. Which Party was founded by Subhash Chandra Bose in the Year 1939 after he broke away
from the congress? All India Forward Bloc
453. Smallpox vaccine discovered by‐ Edward Jenner
454. LPG gas stored in liquid form
455. National human right chairperson of India? HL Dattu
456. Asia cup cricket 2015 winner? India
457. who was elected as second time chief of UN in 2011? Ban ki moon
458. Who is the chairman of Bank Board Bureau? Vinod Rai
459. PCB stands for? Printed circuit board
460. Who was Prime Minister of Bangladesh in 1971? Tajuddin Ahmad
461. Brand ambassador of TATA motors? Lionel Messi
462. When East India company came to India? 1600
463. Azad hind Fauz formation year? 1943
464. Netware belongs to which country? India
465. Author of the Novel “A Brief History of Seven Killings”– Marlon James
466. Which one is fastest memory?‐ Cache
467. Yogeshwar Dutt is from which field?‐Wrestler
468. In UNESCO world heritage which is not included Mountain railways of India‐ kashmir railway
469. First man to go to space? Yuri Gagarin
470. Which one is fastest memory? Cache
471. Yogeshwar Dutt is from which field? Wrestler
472. Effect of pressure on sound? no change
473. To the “Brink and the Bank book:india’s 1991 story was written by? Jairam Ramesh
474. Second Battle of Panipat – 1556
475. Which country celebrate Independence day on 19th August – Afghanistan
476. Dimension of volleyball court – 18 metre (59 Feet)
477. 8th UN secretary general – Ban‐Ki‐moon
478. After entering Bangladesh, the main branch of the Ganges is known as the‐ Padma.
479. First Anglo‐Sikh War was fought between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company
between 1845 and 1846
480. Losoong festival is celebrated in which state? Sikkim
481. Leprosy is also called? Hansen’s Disease
482. Who is the father of Modern Genetics? Gregor Mendel
483. Louis Pasteur invented vaccine‐ Rabies
484. National Air Quality Index is based on how many pollutants? Eight
485. Main motive for Civil Disobedience Movement in 1929‐ Against unjust laws
486. LIGO related to – Laser
487. British decide to grant independence to India‐ 1947
488. Who is the Founder of Swaraj Party? Chittaranjan Das
489. Laughing gas is? Nitrous Oxide
490. Dwarf planet is? Pluto
491. Shortcut of Paste in MS Word? Ctrl+V
492. Currency of Myanmar? Kyat
493. Who built Jantar Mantar of Delhi? Maharaja Jai Singh
494. Popular dance of TamilNadu? Bharatnatyam
495. Leprosy also known as? Hansen’s disease
496. Ligo – a mission is related to? Black Holes
497. How generator works? Mechanical to electrical Energy
498. Smiling Buddha Mission? India’s first successful nuclear bomb test
499. What is Calcium Hydroxide? Lime Water
500. Another Name of Badshah Khan? Abdul Ghaffar Khan
501. First woman DG of paramilitary forces? Archana Ramasundram
502. Syed Modi Grand prix held on which place? Lucknow
503. When was Microsoft founded? 1975
504. Start Up India launch year? 2016
505. Which is not a gland(options: Liver,gall bladder,Pituitary,Adrenal)? Gall Bladder
506. Parliament Construction year? 1927
507. Nephron Belongs to? Kidney
508. British Rule was ended on which year? 1947
509. Mars is also known as? Red Planet
510. Yellow Fever caused by? Female Mosquitoes
511. Who won more grand slams in the year 2015? Novak Djokovic
512. 2015 Arjuna Award given to which female wrestler? Babita Kumari
513. Full Form of RBC? Red Blood Cells
514. Afghanistan’s Parliament name is? Shora
515. Which is the Largest Stadium of America? Michigan Stadium
516. Nagaland capital? Kohima
517. NASA Headquarters? Washington DC
518. Stainless steel is‐ an alloy
519. Gun powder consists of‐ potassium nitrate
520. When did the british raj start in India? 1858
521. Infrared rays are electromagnetic waves.
522. Tashkent agreement signed after which Indo‐Pak war? – 1965
523. The length of digestive system?‐ 30 Feet
524. Where is the statue of liberty? New York, USA
525. Maximum no of Medals in 2012 Olympics? USA
526. Winner of U19 World Cup – West Indies
527. Which cricketer hit consecutive three centuries in world cup cricket?‐ Kumar Sangakkara
528. Khajuraho temples located in – MP
529. Which gas is released during respiration by human beings?‐carbon dioxide
530. State shares boundary with Bangladesh?‐ Tripura
531. National sports day – August 29
532. Full Form of PDF – Portable Document Format
533. Man of the tournament 2011 world cup – Yuvraj Singh
534. Indian origin person gets Knighthood from Elizabeth II – Harpal Singh Kumaran
535. Capital of Dadra & Nagar Haveli?‐ Silvassa
536. Language of Mughal Empire – Persian
537. Pitchblende is related to – Uranium
538. Who is author of Amar Sonar Bangla(National Anthem of Bangladesh)?‐ Rabindranath Tagore
539. Flag code of India‐ 2002
540. City on bank of Nile river?‐ Khartoum
541. What is atomic number?‐ The number of protons or electrons normally found in an atom of a
given chemical element.
542. which union territory is considered as smart city?‐ New Delhi
543. Epidemiology is study of‐ the distribution and determinants of health‐related states or events in specified populations
544. 1024GB – 1TB
545. What is biodiversity?‐ Variety of life
546. Element responsible for air pollution‐ sulphur dioxide
547. The largest coal deposit in India – Damodar valley
548. Literacy rate of India as per 2011 census?‐ 74.04%
549. The Biography of Indira Gandhi written by?‐ Pupul Jayakar
550. Function of Hydrometer?‐ measures the specific gravity (relative density) of liquids
551. Panipat Refinery belongs to? Haryana (IOCL)
552. Dadabhai Naoroji worked as a professor in which University? Elphinstone College
553. Indo‐Pak war in which year? 1971
554. Which is most populous state according to 2011 census? Uttar Pradesh
555. Forest cover of India according to 2015 survey? 7,01,673 sq km
556. How many world heritage site in India by UNESCO? 32
557. In Computer, Which change source code into object code? Assembler
558. Which is not related to genetic engineering?
559. What is the National Game of USA? Baseball
560. Law of Inertia was given by? Newton
561. How many medals India gets in 12th South Asian Game? 188
562. Bio Diesel Locomotive Coming in which Railway Zone? Hubli Division
563. Which of the following is not a programming language? Assembly Language
564. Rank of India in Human Development Index? 130
565. What is the full form of ISI? Inter Services Intelligence
566. Vasco D gama reached first at which place in India? Kappad, Kerala
567. Tawang Monastery, in the Indian state of? Arunachal Pradesh
568. Anti‐leprosy day? 30 January
569. Which soldier died on Feb 2016 in Siachen in J&K? Hanumanthappa Koppad
570. Alfred nobel discovered? Dynamite
571. Taj Mahal commissioned by ?‐ Mughal emperor Shah Jahan
572. Acid found in Grapes ?‐ Tartaric.
573. How many Muscles are used for eye ball? – Six
574. How many number of players in POLO game? – 4
575. First woman Doctor in the world?‐ Elizabeth Blackwell
576. What is the nearest Galaxy to Milky Way? Andromeda galaxy
577. Who build Janther Manther in New Delhi? Maharaja Jai Singh II
578. National game of China – Table Tennis
579. Why plant leaves are in green colour? Chlorophyll.
580. South Africa Currency – South African rand
581. Zika virus is spreading by? Aedes Mosquito
582. IPTL stands for? International Premier tennis league
583. Where is valley international park located? USA
584. What is reason behind yellow colour of Papaya? Flavonoids
585. Who is founder of servant of Indian society? Gopal Krishna Gokhale
586. UPS stands for? Uninterrupted power supply
587. For which effect Einstein got nobel prize? Law of Photoelectric effect
588. Importance behind gov of India act 1935? Main source of Indian constitution
589. Main source of Vitamin‐A? carrots
590. Indian institute of vegetable research is at? Varanasi
591. Valley of flowers in which state? uttarakhand
592. 11th Pakistan PM? Benazir Bhutto
593. World bank given money in December? Swacch bharat mission
594. Shape milky way galaxy? spiral
595. Gold medal boxer in asia? Mary Kom
596. Which country invented pencil? England
597. Stand up mission aim? Women and SC/ST empowerment
598. Bihu, celebrated in? Assam
599. Oxygen in photosynthesis is formed from? Water/CO2
600. Plasi war took place on which river? Bhagirathi river
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