GK One Liners Notes Part 2 For RRB NTPC Exam|200 Questions- We provide RRB (Railway Recruitment Board) NTPC Exam 2024 Free questions and answers with detailed solutions.

GK One Liners Notes Part 2 For RRB NTPC Exam|200 Questions
201. World Cancer Day ‐ Feb 4
202. SBI previous name? Imperial Bank of India
203. Pluto discovered in the year? 2006
204. Jahangir was? 4th Mughal emperor
205. Head of the State Bank of India? Arundhati Bhattacharya
206. Black soil also called?‐ Indian regurs
207. Bhopal gas tragedy results many people died, which gas exposed? methyl isocyanate
208. Rajatarangini related to which state? Kashmir
209. Which country won maximum number of FIFA World football cup?‐Brazil
210. What is blue moon? It is an additional full moon that appears in a subdivision of a year.
211. Unit of Force? Newton
212. A body which is completely or partially submerged in a fluid experiences an upward force
called the‐ Buoyant Force
213. Name of E‐mail inventor ?‐ Shiva Ayyadurai
214. Emergency imposed by? President
215. what is desalination? process of removing dissolved salts from water to produce freshwater from seawater
216. Wipro CEO – Abid Ali Z. Neemuchwala
217. Which is egypt’s largest pyramid? The Great Pyramid of Giza
218. Cristiano Ronaldo belongs to which country‐ Portugal
219. Supreme Court established in Which year? 1950
220. Gyroscope used in Which device? Smartphone
221. First Solar Powered Airport In India? Kochi
222. Who is the predecessor of Satya Nadella as CEO of Microsoft?‐ Steve Ballmer
223. Which is known as Nerve Centre of Computer? Arithmetic Logic Unit
224. What is Dry Ice? Solid form of Carbon Dioxide
225. Who Invented Dynamite? Alfred Nobel
226. First Chinese Women went to Space? Liu Yang
227. Sound Measured in? Decibe
228. Which City is called Pink City ? Jaipur
229. Netrani (also known as Pigeon Island) is a small island of India located in‐ The Arabian Sea
230. Who constructed the Chennakesava swamy temple ? Hoysala Empire King Vishnuvardhana
231. Who is the author of book “Straight Drive”? –Sunil Gavaskar
232. Which is India’s first defence satellite? GSAT ‐7
233. Who is pass the railway budget in 1947? John Mathai
234. Who is inventor of Video Games? Ralph Henry Baer
235. Quantity of blood in human being? 5‐6 Liters
236. Museum of nobel prize in? Sweden
237. Who won Man Booker Prize 2015? Marlon James
238. What is the full form of ATM? Automated Teller Machine
239. Formula of chalk? CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)
240. Queen of Arabian Sea? Kochi
241. Date of partition of India? 15 Aug 1947
242. First Capital of Sri Lanka? Anuradhapura
243. Padma Bhushan in sports given to? Saina Nehwal
244. Combination of star‐ which type of gas?
245. Stainless Steel invented by? Harry Brearley
246. Commonwealth games 2022? Durban, SA
247. Who called guru dev 1st time to Rabindranath Tagore? Mahatma Gandhi
248. Ozone formula? O3
249. AAP was established at‐ Nov 26,2012
250. First 7 Prime Ministers of India have awarded the Bharat Ratna – Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Morarji Desai, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Gulzarilal Nanda and Atal Bihari Vajpayee
251. Japan Parliament name – Diet
252. Who is recognized as the greatest of the Early Cholas? Karikalan
253. Old name of Singapore – Singa Pura
254. Madurai is situated on which river? Vaigai
255. Radioactivity discovered by‐ Henri Becquerel
256. Which state has the largest forest cover in India?‐ Madhya Pradesh
257. Largest Mangrove forest in India – Sundarbans
258. AIMS hospital come up in Maharashtra?‐ Nagpur
259. India’s First Supercomputer – PARAM 8000
260. The human body contains salt – 0.4% of the body’s weight.
261. Which temple is fully constructed in granite? Brihadeshwara temple
262. 23rd Governor of RBI ? Raghuram Rajan
263. ICC number 1 test player? Steve Smith
264. Who is the largest serving Chief Minister in India ? Pawan Chamling
265. Notre Dame Cathedral is located at ? Paris
266. The inventor of fountain pen ? Petrache Poenaru
267. MMU? Memory Management Unit
268. Who is inventor of revolver ? Samuel Colt
269. River flows from Tibet? Sutlej
270. Atomic number is equal to? no of protons
271. Frontier Gandhi? Abdul Gaffar Khan
272. What is SI unit of force ? Newton
273. MRP? Maximum Retail Price
274. Fethiye island is located at ? Turkey
275. The study of heat is known as ? Thermodynamics
276. Richest person as per Forbes global list? Carlos Slim
277. Who invented Fountain Pen? Petrache Poenaru
278. Who was the first ruler of Vijayanagara empire ? Hari Hara Bukka
279. Replanting in forest is called ? Reforestation
280. What is the study of environment ? Ecology
281. King of Pallava Dynasty who wrote stories? Narasimhavarman I
282. Highest statue of Christ is located at‐ Rio de Janeiro
283. PA Sangma served as a Lok Sabha speaker in which year? 1996 to 1998
284. What does MRP means ? Maximum Retail Price
285. ICC president? Zaheer Abbas
286. What is highest possible score in ten ‐pin bowling ? 300
287. Mouse is invented by? Douglas Engelbart
288. Supreme Commander of Indian Defence Services? President
289. Longest bridge of world is in which country? China
290. Right to freedom and liberty in which article of constitution? Article 21
291. Current chief of election commission? Nasim Zaidi
292. Largest princely state during Indian Independence? Hyderabad
293. Railway budget 2016 presented by? Suresh Prabhu
294. Which bacteria converts milk to curd? Lactobacillus bacteria
295. UHT full form? Ultra High Temperature
296. Who Chinese came to India during Guptas period? Fa Hien
297. Saina Nehwal? Badminton
298. Rani laxmi bai died at which place? Gwalior
299. Brain of computer? C.P.U.
300. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq transferred from Delhi to? Daultabad
301. Largest silk producer state of India? Karnataka
302. Goecha La pass is in which state? Sikkim
303. Nitrogen fixing bacteria? Microorganisms
304. Who was appointed as M.D and CEO of central Mine planning & Design institute Ltd
(CMPDI)? Shekhar Sharan
305. Who has won the sangita kalanidhi award for 2015 ? Sanjay Subrahmanyan
306. SPM? Scanning Probe Microscope
307. Which is Digital State of India? Kerala
308. Who is CEO of Flipkart? Binny Bansal
309. No.of bones in human adult? 206
310. Gas in which we live in breathe? Carbon dioxide
311. Laughing gas? Nitrous oxide
312. Highest bridge on which river? Bhagirathi
313. Maximum silk in India produced by? Karnataka
314. First chocolate made by? Hernan Cortes
315. Current president of pakistan? Mamnoon Hussain
316. Most poisonous fish in world? pufferfish
317. PM who hoisted tricolor maximum times? Jawaharlal Nehru
318. To kill a mocking word book written by? Lee Harper
319. Delhi’s only woman ruler? Razia Sultan
320. Golden rock temple (kyaiktiyo pagoda)? Myanmar
321. 2016 Australian open women’s double? sania mirza and martina hingis
322. 8 world heritage day? 18 april
323. Dipika karmakar? gymnastic
324. Great grand old lady of bollywood? Johra Sehgal
325. Atmospheric pressure measured by which instrument? barometer
326. World’s most energy efficient city‐ reykjavik, Iceland
327. Function of hydro power plant‐ It converts kinetic energy into electrical energy
328. APGAR Score is test to summarize? To Summarise Health of Newborn Babies
329. One question related to bio (who developed genes )?
330. Famous temple of buddha in asia (borobudur)‐ Indonesia
331. 1987 Australian world cup winner team captain‐ Allan border
332. Black gold‐ coal
333. BARC director‐ sekhar basu
334. Prime content of diamond‐ carbon
335. Which on is a program‐ Tbasic
336. Hottest planet‐ venus
337. Who is the 8th CM of Arunachal Pradesh? Kalikho Pul
338. Abhishek verma belongs to sport? Archery
339. Who was founder of Pal Dynasty? Gopal
340. Pacemaker related to which organ? Heart
341. How many candidates are nominated by President in Rajya Sabha? 12
342. Osama Bin Laden killed at which place? Abbottabad, Pakistan
343. Nathula Pass located at? Gangtok, Sikkim
344. Golconda Fort – Hyderabad
345. Assigned Amount Unit (AAU) is – ‘Kyoto unit’ or ‘carbon credit’ representing an allowance to emit greenhouse gases
346. Largest Tiger Reserve in India‐ Nagarjunsagar‐Srisailam
347. Who was the viceroy when India got Independence? Lord Mountbatten
348. India’s first district with high‐speed rural broadband network(NOFN)‐ Idukki, kerala
349. Father of Indian Surgery – Sushruta
350. Name of International Airport in India which runs by Solar power‐Cochin International Airport
351. World Wide Web founder‐ Tim Berners Lee
352. When was PSLV Launched for the first time?-1994
353. Election Commission does not conduct election to‐ the local bodies.
354. Jami Masjid – Delhi
355. World’s First Artificial Satellite – Sputnik I
356. Indian ambassador to UK‐ H.E.Mr.Navtej Sarna
357. The total amount that can be claimed under PRADHAN MANTRI SURAKSHA BIMA YOJANA
policy is INR 2 lakh
358. Virupaksha Temple – Hampi
359. Sri Lanka got Independence in which year‐ 1948
360. Purpose of SAMANVAY‐ to help Member of Parliament’s (MPs) to utilise relevant schemes in the planning and implementation of Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojna(SAGY.)
361. Cultural Ambassador for seychelles – A.R.Rahman
362. Why control rods are used in nuclear reactors‐ to control the fission rate of uranium and plutonium
363. One can’t see distant objects – Miopia
364. What is the present emission standard?‐ Bharat Stage IV(BS‐IV).
365. Who is the last viceroy before constitution came into effect?
366. Tidal Port – Kutch, Gujarat
367. The Tungabhadra is the main tributary of the‐ Krishna River
368. Fatehpur Sikri in – UP
369. Charminar Monument in – Hyderabad
370. IMF Chief‐ Christine Lagarde
371. CMOS Stands for‐ Complementary Metal‐Oxide Semiconductor
372. Operation Smile is related to‐ missing Children
373. Humayun’s Tomb located in‐ New Delhi
374. Number of bones in spinal cord‐ 33
375. How many days did the battle of Mahabharata last?‐ 18 days
376. Kalindi river is also known as – Yamuna
377. The name given to a series of satellites launched by ISRO‐ Rohini
378. First Female President of Nepal – Bidhya Devi Bhandari
379. What is the Rank of India in Corruption Index 2015?‐ 76
380. Uniform civil code of India – Article‐44
381. Prime Minister of Nepal – Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli
382. FIFA ballon d’or award 2015‐ Lionel Messi
383. Physical Research Laboratory was founded by?‐Vikram Sarabhai
384. State with Maximum boundaries with other states?‐ UP
385. Who was the first President of the US? ‐ George Washington
386. X ray Inventor‐ Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
387. Commonwealth Games 2014 – Glasgow, Switzerland
388. Which of the following is the lightest gas‐ Helium
389. Muhammad Hidayatullah – 11th Chief Justice of India
390. An ecotone is a‐ transition area between two biomes
391. First Woman Prime minister of Sri Lanka‐ Mrs Sirima Bandaranaike
392. Star shines due to‐ thermonuclear fusion
393. First Muslim Woman President of the world – Benazir Bhutto
394. FIFA U‐20 World Cup‐ New Zealand
395. First Chairman of the Banks Board Bureau‐ Vinod Ra
396. G20 Summit – Turkey
397. First Female Judge of High Court – Justice Anna Chandy
398. How many constellations are named?‐ 88
399. The title Kaiser‐e‐Hind was given by the British Government to whom?‐ Mahatma Gandhi
400. Modern Agra was founded by Sikandar Lodhi
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